ETS Dental Webinar Recording: Your Career and the Dental Job Market
On Tuesday evening we held a webinar for Dental Students and Dental Residents. In the webinar we covered the the current market, CVs, resumes, cover letters, interview tips, compensation, contracts, location, and we had some questions and answers at the end. We are sharing the recording of this webinar with you.
To view the webinar click here: ETS Dental Webinar: Your Career and the Dental Job Market.
You will see many links in the webinar slides which are clickable, but I have listed them below as well.
- ETS Dental Team contacts and bios
- Deciding your best career path
- CV or Resume
- References
- Cover letters
- Interview tips
- Phone interview
- Compensation Considerations
- Dental Associate 1099 offer by Dental CPAs
- What are typical percentages for first year dentists by Dental CPAs
- Contracts: Questions to ask
- Contracts: Should dentist be an employee or independent contractor by Dental CPAs
- Location
- Dental Trends
- Searching in saturated markets
Social media:
We had a great time doing this, and we look forward to offering more webinars in the future. If you have any questions or you have some recommendations for future webinars contact Carl Guthrie at