Time Kills All Deals!
In the dental recruitment industry, we see this happen more often than it should. What does “time kills all deals” mean. Well, it often means that instead of on-boarding that new dental associate and finally being able to get a little sanity in the practice’s patient scheduling, the practice is back to square one and looking for that “perfect doctor”; explaining to patients that they will have to wait three months for their next appointment and counting up the lost revenue from not having the position filled. This often is what happens when a practice takes too much time making the hiring decision. The fact of the matter is, the truly good candidates have plenty of options and will most always go with the practice that has their act together, and can come to a decision in a timely manner.
What about the candidate dragging their feet and being reluctant to commit to an opportunity that meets all of their needs and desires just because they are not quite sure or have trouble making decisions? The results can be the same. When candidates drag out the process and start looking at too many opportunities they can miss out on the one that they really wanted, just by taking too much time to commit. Know what you want and recognize it when you find it. Good opportunities tend to not be available for long.
Any time that the process goes on for too long, whether it is the hiring practice or the potential candidate who is causing the delays; it creates an environment where any number of challenges or problems may crop up and derail the deal resulting in wasted time, money and lots of frustration. Over time people lose interest, question the sincerity of the practice or candidate.
For practice owners, do your homework; know the questions that you will ask in the evaluation process. Be prompt in contacting and interviewing interested candidates and most importantly…make an offer in a timely manner and be prepared for acceptance.
For candidates, know what you are looking for. Return calls and emails from prospective employers in a timely manner. Prepare well for the interview. Let the practice know if you like what you hear and want the position. And lastly, be prepared to accept the offer.
Do not let time kill your deal!
Posted by Gary Harris, Account Executive Recruiter for Dental Specialists-Nationwide. To find out more, call Gary at (540) 491-9115 or email at gharris@etsdental.com.