Infographic: Hiring an Associate Dentist – What to Look for on a Candidate’s Resume/CV
Is your practice looking to bring on a new associate dentist? If so, there’s a good chance you’ll soon find yourself sorting through a pile of resumes and CV’s in an effort to find the perfect candidate. Determining if an applicant is the rock star dental associate you’re after based solely off a single document, however, is often a daunting task. Like anything else, practice certainly makes perfect, and reviewing dentist resumes and CV’s is no different.
As the nation’s largest dental recruiting firm, we’ve had almost 17 years of practice pouring over dental resumes and learning how to separate the qualified from the unqualified. We’ve put together the following infographic with a simple breakdown of what to look for on a candidate’s resume/CV, and hope it will prove useful as you evaluate candidates to find the best fit for your practice.
As we’ve seen over the years, however, taking the time to sort through applications, review resumes, and screen/interview candidates on top of handling the day-to-day operations of a busy practice can often prove to be both frustrating and fruitless for practice owners. In addition, more dentists are ending their careers and exiting the profession than new dentists are graduating from US Dental Schools, effectively setting competition for qualified dental candidates at an all time high and making it increasingly difficult to attract top talent.
ETS Dental levels the playing field for independent practices and regional groups when competing for talent with the National Practice Management companies. We’ve conducted searches across all 50 states for thousands of practices seeking long-term Associates, potential partners and even potential buyers, and are in touch with more than 30,000 practices and practitioners every month.
If you’re looking a bring on a new associate dentist for your practice but would rather ETS Dental do the leg work for you, contact your regional recruiter today and we’ll be happy to help!