Effective Voice Mail Messages
Is phone tag slowing you down in your job search? Are your emails with potential hiring authorities lobbing back and forth with no personal contact? Change your message method. It’s a simple thing to do and will offer a more effective response. Here is an example of a clear, concise message:
“Hello, my name is Jerry Robinson, and I am a dentist in Philadelphia, PA. I have been working as an Associate since 1979; however, I am ready to find a new experience. I thought I might touch base to see if you have any new opportunities. Contact me either at (555) 555-5555 after 4:00 p.m. any day this week, or email me at jrobinsdds@whatever.com and let me know when I can talk directly with you. Again, my name is Dr. Robinson, and my number is (555) 555-5555. Thanks, and I look forward to talking with you soon.”
Simplicity is often the best tool to use in communication, but include key information to lay the groundwork for what could potentially be a new beginning in your career.
Written by Marsha Hatfield-Elwell, Recruiter at ETS Dental. You can reach Marsha at (540) 491-9116 or melwell@etsdental.com. Find out more at www.etsdental.com.